
Rest - a Spiritual thing

The following is adaption from  articles in the NPR and the Pepperdine University – links shown. In its present form compiled by Maria Haggett.

“Almost everyone has heard a story about someone famous who doesn’t need much sleep: Martha Stewart, Bill Clinton, Condoleezza Rice, Margaret Thatcher, the list goes on and on.
In our fast-paced, global society, many people consider it a big plus to need as little sleep as possible. But almost every sleep researcher will tell you that most people need at least seven hours of sleep for biological and psychological health. So there is a glaring disconnect between what the messages in our culture say about sleep and the messages we receive from scientists.
Dr. Eve Van Cauter, a sleep researcher and professor of medicine at the University of Chicago, says that many people today, especially in the United States, take pride in not getting much sleep.
“Sleeping as little as possible is viewed as a badge of honour here,” Van Cauter says.
Short sleepers, people who can do with five hours of sleep a night, do exist. But most sleep researchers say they comprise only 10 percent or less of the population.
And Van Cauter even wonders about all those famous people who supposedly don’t need sleep. She notes that Bill Clinton, a notorious short sleeper, had heart surgery in his 50s, with no obvious risk factors.
Dinges says most people will show serious impairments if they are deprived of sleep for even a few days. The problem is most people assume they are fine when they are not.
“People will often say, ‘I am good to go,'” he says. “It is that disconnect between your ability to introspect your alertness and impairment and how impaired you are cognitively, which is why we think many people believe they are doing fine when they not doing so fine.””

“Rest. Elusive to many, desired by all. The word rest conjures images of peace, quiet, and stillness. But why is it a spiritual practice? Resting is a theme throughout scripture, starting in the very earliest chapters. After God creates the world, on the seventh day, God rests. When God’s people are looking for a homeland, God refers to this promised land as a place of rest. When God’s prophet, Elijah, flees in fear from his prophetic post, God’s angel comes and invites Elijah to rest. When Jesus teaches his followers, he promises, “Come to me, all you that are weary and are carrying heavy burdens, and I will give you rest.” (Matthew 11:28, NRSV)
In a world that glorifies busyness and normalises never-ending productivity, God invites us to get off the treadmill of activity, and simply rest.
Rest is an act of resistance to the empires and kingdoms of this world and within our own lives. It is an act of reclamation and an act of redemption in bringing God’s restoration to the world. Yes, rest is all that! In first allowing God to tend to our own fractures and woundedness can we then embody bringing forth the Kingdom of reconciliation and hope on earth.
Resting allows us to quiet ourselves before God and revives our minds, bodies, and spirits. Resting as a spiritual practice is intentional and can be practiced in community or alone.

Adapted from the Pepperdine University website at the following :,God’s%20restoration%20to%20the%20world.

In its current form compiled by Maria Haggett.