Spiritual Conversation

Season of Creation

Season of Creation Form

A Guide to the Spiritual Conversation in this retreat

Spiritual conversation involves deeply listening to one another. Being open to the idea of God’s spirit as guiding. In the first round, each person shares the insights gained from their prayer without interuption. In the second round, the participants explore how they were impacted by what they heard in the first round, eg. “What I heard was…” Talking about how the sharing has shed greater light on our own interior movements and connection with God. In the third round a more open discussion. This last round is about responding fittingly to the invitation the Spirit is inspiring in your group.

Each group will be limited to five per session. Further dates and times will be announced in due course.

Bless the Lord, O my soul!
You set Mother Earth on strong foundations,
Your beams of light streaking across mountains and waters.

As you ride on the wings of Brother Wind;
Send your Spirit, and renew the face of the earth.
Teach us to meet you, partner you and every creature
And let love shed light across dark places.

Be with us, Creator God, now and forever.                                                                                    For we get stranded on tiny islands of self.


The World I...

Day 1 – the article

In connecting deeply with the Earth, we are invited to communion with the divine. The awe and


Day 2 – the poem

Suppose there was a book full only of the word,


Spirit of God

Day 3 – the song

Spirit of God in the clear running water.

To honour your greatness are mountains and hills…

- world

Day 4 – the image

A type of Visio Divina


Day 5 – the psalm

When I look at your heavens, the work of your fingers…

Add your thoughts to the conversation