Prayer Forms

The Spirituality of Rest

Resting allows us to quiet ourselves before God and revives our minds, bodies, and spirits. Resting as a spiritual practice is intentional and can be practiced in community or alone


Landscape as Prayer

Reflections on John O’Donoghue’s explanation of the landscape as prayer.

The Beatitudes

Taking a virtual walk while Jesus’ Beatitudes are explored.


Walking with God

This text is from the App Pray as You Go. It invites you to go walking with God.



This reflection was handed to me by a neighbour. She found it in her husbands wallet when he passed away.

The Examen

This text is taken from a Margaret Silf Book called Landscapes of Prayer published  by Augsburg books.



This text is from the App Pray as You Go. It invites you to go walking with God.


The Colloquy

St Ignatius encourages the use of the Colloquy

A colloquy is an intimate conversation between yourself and God the Father, or perhaps between yourself and Jesus, or between you and Mary or maybe even between yourself and one of the saints.

Imaginative Contemplation

The following is an instruction into a process called Imaginative Contemplation. Essentially, St Ignatius presents imagining as a way of praying.  This helps us see things from God’s perspective and take on God’s qualities of love, compassion, and understanding. The method of imagining is to place ourselves fully within a story from the Gospels. This involves one placing oneself in the Gospel scenes imaginatively. Really see people, hear their voices, share their experiences and respond in faith to the ways of God-with-us.

The River of Life

This reflection will appear on Aug 31.  The initial text is from Margaret Silf who has adapted a story from Ezekiel 47. The prayer is from Pope Francis from Laudato Si


On your Shore Mt 14

Three things coming together – The text of Peter coming to Jesus on the water, a colloquy and Enya’s “On Your Shore.”

Prayer - St Maximilian Kolbe

Based on John 15

A Kind of imaginative contemplation

Aug 14 is the feast of Maxilian Kolbe. A character who gave his life that another prisoner in Auschwitz might live. Generosity for others…


The River of Life

This reflection will appear on Aug 31.  The initial text is from Margaret Silf who has adapted a story from Ezekiel 47. The prayer is from Pope Francis from Laudato Si